IDBA-UD is a iterative De Bruijn Graph De Novo Assembler for Short Reads Sequencing data with Highly Uneven Sequencing Depth. It is an extension of IDBA algorithm. IDBA-UD also iterates from small k to a large k. In each iteration, short and low-depth contigs are removed iteratively with cutoff threshold from low to high to reduce the errors in low-depth and high-depth regions. Paired-end reads are aligned to contigs and assembled locally to generate some missing k-mers in low-depth regions. With these technologies, IDBA-UD can iterate k value of de Bruijn graph to a very large value with less gaps and less branches to form long contigs in both low-depth and high-depth regions.
version | toolchain |
1.1.3 |
GCC/10.2.0 |
1.1.3 |
GCC/10.3.0 |
1.1.3 |
GCC/11.2.0 |
1.1.3 |
GCCcore/12.3.0 |
(quick links: (all) - 0 - a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - x - y - z)